
Featured Properties

Take an advantage of featured property listings and get 40% of more views of property seekers. Pay little on top of membership and advertise your property citywide, regionwide or countrywide. Your property would be displayed above the general listing.

Sponsored Properties

Sponsored properties are viewed by most of the property seekers. You can tag your property citywide, regionwide or countrywide and attract the audience. Your property would be displayed above the featured listing.

Store your search

Just fill the search form only once. Select the set of search criteria and give it a name. Use "Save & Search" button to store permanently this set of search criteria so when you come next time, you get the pre defined list of searches. Have a freedom from filling search forms every time for the same criteria.

Paid Services

Upgrade your Package

Some functions and sections of our site are available to paid members only. Choose a group of users and you will see a list of differences from your current group. You can choose an appropriate period and group and pay for your membership upgrade.


Sponsored Listings

Sponsored properties are listed in inner pages on the left side bar in the form of list with respective thumbnail. This list includes latest 5 sponsored properties in the site.

While user searches for the property in any location, the search results display sponsored property listings before the featured property listing.


Featured Listings

Featured properties are listed on the home page at the top viewing space of the screen. Property seekers get the first view on the home page when they start browsing for their property requirement. It is a unique tool that gives the opportunity to stand out from your competition, get more views and sell your property faster. With the tool you get the opportunity to showcase your properties against other general listings. Property owners get to choose which properties to feature among they have listed. This allows property to be best highlighted on the listing and display before the general listings for the relevant criteria. Potential home buyers can click on the thumbnail image and/or title and get more details about the property.


Payment History

Payment History
